Robin Bibi and his band host Boogaloo founder Monica Madgwick‘s Birthday Gig, with lots of special guests, and FREE CAKE.
Guests include larger-than-life personality, guitarist and singer EARL JACKSON, guitarist and singer GARY FLETCHER (ex The Blues Band), singer and guitarist SAM PAINE, guitarist and singer LEONARDO GIULIANI, keyboard player RAY DRURY, and up-and-coming guitarist and singer TOM DAVIES.
As per tradition, Aquarians with birthdays from 12th to 16th February get FREE ENTRY. (Proof required.)
This is always a popular night, so do reserve early!
Please note our new Boogaloo Blues venue! See details above.
Doors open 8.15 pm for an 8.45 pm start. The gig will finish at c. 11.00 pm.
SOLD OUT – email to go on the waiting list